Sunday, May 25, 2014

What I learned....

  It's been a long week so please indulge me while I recount what I've learned this past week.  I've learned that you can't get fired in the Obama administration.  I've learned that Pat Quinn is an oblivious fool and that I still don't understand Obama care.  I've learned that people who pay three dollars a month for roadside assistance expect the moon.   I've learned that sleeping with an ex is the equivalent of empty calories.  I've learned that I LIKE empty calories and that my mom may have used faulty preventers at the factory when I was hatched.  I've learned that I hate doctors and I've learned that my immune system has a learning disability.  I've learned that I can't possibly trust the spokeswoman for Wendy's because she doesn't actually eat the god damn food.   You're a fraud woman and I'm on to your game.  Moving on.... I've learned that Mayor Emanuel wants to turn every piece of available land into a park of some kind.  I've learned that a dead pop singer can be resurrected as an awkward looking hologram and I've learned that a dead pop singer can be turned into a cash machine via the magic of old demo's and technological hocus pocus of sorts.

  Finally I've learned that the subway close to my house doesn't honor the freedom of assembly or the god given right to have a meatball sandwich without sauce.  I've learned that I hate dieting and that I miss my cigarettes.  Resist Tyranny!!!  Toot!!!  Toot!!!

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