Saturday, September 7, 2013

Late night with da Mayor.....

  So this is the alternative to Mayor Daley?  To me, Rahm Emanuel looks like Daley with a much smaller waistline and a much tighter grasp of the English language as a whole.  Like Daley, Rahm Emanuel has taken to disappearing when the city of Chicago seems to be reeling and or in need if some semblance of leadership.  Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy  is out gunned and out numbered by thugs and deviants of all kinds with a never ending cache of weapons and his boss is on Letterman.  Chicago is becoming a wasteland of senseless violence ala one of those Death Wish films and the leader of the city is out playing quasi celebrity.  To paraphrase a line from Joseph Gordon Leavitt in The Dark Knight Rises; "pay attention to the details Mister Emanuel because some of those details need your attention."  I understand if being the mayor of Chicago is a stop gap position for Rahm Emanuel until the political winds of Washington lead him to bigger and better political endeavors down the road.  But right now, Mister Emanuel, your job is to be the mayor of Chicago.  And as the Mayor of Chicago, your city needs you.  We need you to help figure out how to stop innocent kids from being gunned down left and right for no apparent reason.  Your city needs you, Mister Emmanuel, to stop with the shell games that have left the CPD unable to adequately tackle crime in this city.  I don't know about you Mister Emmanuel, but it alarms me when criminals feel brazen enough to carjack a police Sargent near his home.  It alarms me when someone shows little respect for law and order in our great city by trying to sexually assault an off duty police officer.  It's time to stop being a celebrity Rahm.  It's time to come home to the job you agreed to take, however taxing and or politically stagnant a position it may be for a former Washington power player with dreams as big as his ego.  It's time, Mister Emmanuel, to live up to the promise you made to NOT to be your predecessor.  Right now Mister Emmanuel, from where I'm sitting, it's hard to gage where Rich Daley ends and you actually begin.  The city of Chicago is crumbling and it needs leadership.  And where is the mayor?  He's on Letterman.

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