Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The American Circus

  Would it be crass to say that the Trayvon Martin case is starting to take on the flavor of Tom Wolfe's "Bonfire Of The Vanities?"  Here me out here.  Like Wolfe's famed novel, we have a tragedy that once again illustrates the fractured racial lines in our great country.  Like Wolfe's novel, we have the parasites and the opportunist milling about in search of a camera in which to stir up the emotions of a grieving family that is demanding accountability.  Yes, I'm talking about you Al Sharpton.  If there was any chance of getting to the truth of what happened to Trayvon Martin and if there was any chance of cooler heads prevailing while the case un-tangled itself, the presence of America's favorite opportunist virtually doomed that hopeful possibility.  Now before you accuse me of lighting up a famed African American Activist, let me say  this.  I am color blind to the media parasites of this world.  I am color blind when it comes to the rabble rousers who use tragedy to fatten their wallets or capture headlines.  For every Al Sharpton and for every Jessie Jackson, there is Gloria Allred.  Allred, like Sharpton, essentially creates anarchy in the name of publicity.  I guess what I'm saying is, I am choosing to tune out the static that Sharpton has created during the time of an absolutely unimaginable tragedy.  I am choosing to process the facts of the case in small bites before I denounce George Zimmerman as a racist buffoon who acted in cold blood.  I choose not to be manipulated by the media this time, I choose to stay above the fray.  Perhaps it's my lingering disenchantment with the media at large that has brought me to this cautious point.  I am convinced, more than ever, that balance is no longer apart of the journalistic equation.  And if you think I'm overstating, watch CNN and Fox during the height of political season.  I have no doubt that the Trayvon Martin case, if it already hasn't, will turn into a political football of some sort.  Actually I'm surprised that the anti gun and pro gun debates haven't broken out.  Al Sharpton has already shown up, so it's to be expected that some quasi celebrity who fancies themselves a political sage, will seek out a photo op and eventually say something maddeningly self serving.  Hell, I think I can hear the footsteps of the self serving Hollywood liberals now.  Look, I'm not advocating that George Zimmerman had a right to play the role of Charles Bronson.  If he shot Trayvon Martin in cold blood because of the color of his skin, he deserves the maximum punishment possible.  I just want the facts, sans circus and sans politicizing

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