So I'm getting ready to clean up the old hacienda and as I'm wiping the sleep from my eyes I hear the dear old pres pleading his case for attacking Syria. According to Obama, the intervention in Syria is not going to necessitate the deployment of American troops. Obama also acknowledged the fact that America is weary after the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. If you listened carefully, you could hear the little voice in Obama's head whispering "I'm not Dubya." Well.... yeah..... Mister Obama.... you may not be Dubya but you're certainly letting your bravado get you into a potential pickle the way Dubya did with Iraq. Didn't Dubya tell the American people that we were simply going into Iraq to be a force for change; to be an agent of democracy for an oppressed people. And then somehow the quest for Democracy turned into a modern day John Wayne flick. I take that back, Dubya became a modern day John Rambo. Now here comes Obama with his latest quest for peace without any grunt work and or bloodshed.
See, I'm a cynical sort and I don't trust my government as far as I can throw it. When the president's mouth is moving, it's a good bet that he is usually lying. I'm not talking about Obama in general, I'm referring to most every cut of politician that has taken the mantle of president at some point in time. It's part of the gig, being a salesman without the American people seeing through the con. No one was better at the con that Bill Clinton, god bless his amorous southern friend heart. If Obama doesn't need the threat of force and or the guiding hand of the American military to stop what's going on in Syria then I'm Abe Lincoln. Or does Obama simply expect to dialogue with the despot responsible for inflicting nerve gas on his own people. Odds are, ASKING a despot to stop doing something requires more than diplomacy or the power of Obama speak. Unless Obama is going to slip the latest baddie an envelope like they do in good old Chicago. we're going to war with Syria. I say, it'll go like this. Obama will talk and Syria will listen and Obama will board air force one thinking everything is OK. And then, when dad is half way to Washington, that pesky despot in Syria will continue to commit atrocities. And like some frustrated parental unit who was disobeyed, Obama will go back to Syria and shake his fist in frustration while the Syrian government hides whatever chemical agent it uses against its people. And after all of the posturing and all of grand standing and after months go by and Obama's hair grows whiter we'll get that press conference. You know the one. It's where Obama sighs like the maytag repair man before he gives us those hound dog eyes. And then..... drumroll..... Obama will announce to the world that he has to spank Syria because they threw spit balls at him. And then we'll enter another war.
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