Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The day of the stupid and the hypocritical....

  On a day when I have to listen to the baseball stupid scratch their heads over the trades of a fifth starter and a reliever on the decline, in comes Bill Burr with a podcast rant about the letter that The Blackhawks organization sent off to the Bruins organization after the Hawks won the cup.  Now, I actually found Burr's rant kind of funny.  Actually I thought it was hilarious.  What I took offense to was Bill Burr calling out the Blackhawks and the City Of Chicago for being both condescending and disingenuous.  Burr went on to say that the letter, written by the Blackhawks organization was "all about them and not about the Bruins."  Oh really Mister Burr.  You want to call people out for being self serving when you're talking about Boston, one of THE most self serving cities on the planet.  Is this not the same city that turned a marathon bombing into a catch phrase for the national media to eat up with a spoon?  If I'm not mistaken Mister Burr, the coverage of the tragedy in Boston wasn't about the victims who has lost their lives or the fact that someone had attacked us again.  It was about.... BOSTON.  Boston lifted up MLB and Boston lifted baseball to new heights in the wake of a tragedy and Boston brought back baseball and united the masses in tragedy.  How self serving can you get Mister Burr.  Yet, you're calling out the Blackhawks for writing a letter of thanks to the Bruins for a great Stanley Cup Final and being a worthy opponent.  I bet you'd be ranting on your pod cast about Chicago reaching and grasping for headlines and being exploitive about a tragedy in their city if they had their minions running around chanting "Chicago Strong."  I bet if the Bruins had won the cup and sent that letter to the Blackhawks, you and rest of the opportunists in bean town wouldn't hesitate to tie that letter into some sickening siliquoy about patriotism and the magic time when people went boom and Boston gave the world a lesson in unity and outright clicheism of the highest order.  Just celebrate your clichés Mister Burr like the rest of Boston does.  Go to Fenway Park and watch your hometown heroes maneuver towards the nearest camera like trained seals to exploit yet another horrific tragedy.  Chicago is disingenuous but your city couldn't wait to parade its wounded in front of the camera to give the media a catchphrase to run with.  You're what we call in the Midwest Mister Burr, an east coast hypocrite.

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