Friday, May 11, 2012

Barack and the political football

  You know, I was actually viewing President Obama's announcement that he had finally come off of the fence in support of Gay Marriage with a non cynical eye.  And then I read that Obama had been walking around for quite a few years telling the world that he would never support gay marriage.  Shame on me for letting myself believe that there was anything symbolic and or virtuous behind Obama's declaration.  This is the last time I process something without keeping my cynicism at an optimum level.  Let's be clear, President Obama didn't change the world.  Rather, he chose a political avenue.  Better yet, he finally decided to close his eyes and kick the old political football.  So let's just say this.  Obama didn't move mountains in terms of gay rights, he just elected not to punt on downs.  And why not?  Whatever his motives were and they were no doubt, political; at least Obama hasn't made himself look as politically clueless as John Kerry did way back when in 2004.  You remember?  Don't you?  Kerry, in all of his infinite political wisdom, decided, during a rally in the bible belt, to throw his support behind gay marriage.  Kerry went on to compound said gaffe by trying to backtrack on the aforementioned declaration of support but really, the stampede was already on once he opened his mouth.  The problem wasn't getting his foot out of said area, but rather, avoiding the crush of Christian Right voters who would eventually help to tip the 2004 election towards GW Bush. Only this time around, it's Obama's number one challenger, Mitt Romney, who seems to be suffering from Kerryitis.  Romney, according to a recent article, admitted to inadvertent homophobia when he was a wee lad of sixteen.  Not only that, Romney, according to a recent interview, seems to have thrown in with Obama in terms of supporting gay marriage.  Curious developments for a man who, from afar, seems to lack for conviction.  Can Romney afford to be a waffler or a political follower when no one quite trusts him to begin with?  Perhaps it's all a part of Romney's plan to lull Obama to sleep with a show of low IQ political moves.  Perhaps it's all a part of the drama that will unfold very very soon as Obama and Romney slug it out for the right to lead our great nation.  And now the questions begins?  Does Obama's decision to cater to the rather formidable gay voting bloc pay off at the old electoral window on D Day?  Better yet, does Obama's chosen political horse have enough legs to withstand the inevitable defection of the Christian Right and their rather formidable political base?  Obama's motives for backing gay marriage may be extremely transparent but at least he's fired the first salvo in what may become a very very interesting race for the presidency.  Ah politics.... and the fickle and the disingenuous shall lead us.

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