The headlines in Chicago are ripe with stories about innocent people being shot and killed day after day. Every week or so, there's another story about a mob attacking people on the Magnificent Mile. Last week, a young man was shot in the head after he complied with a group of thugs who were attempting to rob him. In all this, you'd think that Mayor Emmanuel's priority would be the safety and protection of ordinary citizens in the great city of Chicago. But no. Mayor Emmanuel's newest pet project doesn't involve finding the necessary funding to increase police manpower in crime ridden areas of the city. Instead, Mayor Emmanuel is devoting his energy to the task of out biding New York City for the right to host the presidential library for his pal Barack Obama.
Chicagoans are once again being subjected to another self serving political initiative that serves neither the interest of the city or its constituents. Let's be real here, this act of political hubris is all about Rahm Emmanuel's Washington based aspirations. It's not about history or recognition or status or anything else. What would the city of Chicago actually lose if Obama's presidential library went elsewhere? Instead of diverting precious city resources to a presidential library, maybe Mister Emmanuel should devote his energy to the infrastructure of the city he currently reigns over. I'd rather have a modernized train system free of antiquated technical gaffes than yet another piece of property built for the ego of a political demi gog. This is all about Rahm Emmanuel currying favor with his political pals in Washington; the place where his true political heart and soul lies. Apparently, there's no money available in the budget for new schools to be built and there's no money for teachers to be paid what they're worth. Chicago schools are being consolidated in poor areas ands children are becoming targets because they have to trek through gang and crime ridden areas just to get to their designated school. There's no money to keep our citizens and our children safe but there IS money in the coffers for Mayor Emmanuel to bid for a glass and steel monstrosity to celebrate the great former senator from Illinois. The more things change in Chicago, the more they stay the same.
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