Wednesday, January 29, 2014

it's a wonderful state.....

  So what did we learn from President Obama's State Of The Union Address last night?  Well, we learned that Obama is a lone wolf who still doesn't understand the concept of reaching across the aisle to end the morass of partisan gridlock that has become an all too familiar hallmark of his administration.  Watching the state of the union address last night, President Obama reminded me of just another slick politician spewing some gee golly Capraesque rhetoric that probably would've made George Bailey throw his hands up and yell cut at the top of his lungs.  Via his own rhetoric about doing things with or without congresses help and or support, Obama came across all Wyatt Earp like.   Hell is coming and Obama is bring the thunder apparently.  Not since Kurt Russell in the film Tombstone has the American public been treated to such bravado. 
  After five years, my impression of Barrack Obama is this.  He's a preacher in a nice suit who can charm your pants off if your bull shit detector has taken a holiday.  Like Bill Clinton, you have to admire Obama's skill at being charming even when you know that he's feeding you the same line that every other politician has fed you during every whistle stop stump or every state of the union address.  The more I see of Obama, the more of a true politician he becomes.  IE, the Wag The Dog like moment where our fair president put on his every man pants and spun a yarn about the soldier he became "pals" with."  The very same soldier that both Obama and the cameras quickly zeroed in on after Obama convienently told the world a tale about how said soldier nearly lost his life after a road side bomb left a piece of shrapnel lodged in his brain.  When the economy is stuck in neutral and millions of Americans are left without much needed unemployment benefits, why not use a wounded soldier as a path to selective amnesia?  It certain worked for Dubya, seeing as how he used the aftermath of 9-11 to make the worries about a slumping economy magically fade away.  Edwin Starr once asked about war and what it was good for?  Apparently, it's good for profit and it's good for the commander in chief when he wants to play politics in the name of diversion and or distraction.  God bless America.

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