Monday, July 22, 2013

The Royal Baby is born... and this American doesn't give a rat's ass.....

  Good people of England, let me ask you one thing?  Why do you honestly care about the birth of a privileged royal baby that will have access to more of life's perks than you ever will?  And why are you, good citizens of the UK, taking to twitter to shout that Kate Middleton had a boy.  It was quite a sight; Londoners great and small holding up their I phones and their smartphones as they anxiously eyed twitter feeds.  And why?  Because they wanted to be the first ones to announce to the world the news that Katie Middleton had finally given birth.  Don't you people have jobs?  Don't you people have lives?  What is it about the nature of celebrity that reduces us to drooling fools?  Better yet, what is the end game for anyone standing outside waiting for the future Queen of England to give birth to a kid who will grow up in a protective cocoon designed to protect him or her from the unwashed masses.  The very same unwashed masses who were part of a rather embarrassing public spectacle of twittering and gawking.  Good people of England, there is no end game for you.  Go the hell home.  Go to your jobs, spend time with your loved ones.  The Royals don't give a rat's ass about you.  I'm sorry but it's true.  Call me cynical if you will, I won't be begrudge you.  But know this.  I know my station in my life and I know that I will never led a life of excess and privilege unless I somehow grow a horseshoe up my ass and said horseshoe leads me to a winning lottery ticket worth a gazillion dollars.  And I'm smart enough to know that sitting outside on a humid August day waiting for some celebrity to have a baby won't do anything to help change my station in life.  Let's face reality here.  Kate Middleton is going to recover in a first class hospital and then she and her new arrival are going home to a palace.  And where are you,mister and misses Londoner going after the ogle fest is over?  You're going back to your life as a mortal.  You're going back to your life of riding the subway and paying bills and dreaming of better days as you navigate the ebb and flow of the rat race at large.  So put your cameras down and shut off your twitter feeds and go read a book or something.  Make yourself productive citizens of the planet and stop the gawking and the slobbering.  Good night America and good night England.

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