Friday, January 20, 2012

Confessions Of A Con Man

  So I'm watching the Clippers and Minnesota from Lob City and I see the ESPN news ticker flash across my screen with an item about the civil suit against former Syracuse coach Bernie Fine being dismissed.  Turns out, Fine's accuser, Zach Tomaselli, admitted that he fabricated emails to support his claim.  So not only I am worried about poor Mister Fine restarting whatever is left of his career, I'm worried about the twisted sense of vindication that will seep down towards Happy Valley and the throngs that support old Joey P and all things Penn State.  I can hear Penn State nation now as they light their torches in support of good old Jo Pa, Uncle Jerry, and the PSU program.  Well... if Tomaselli lied..... then maybe all of Sanduskys' victims lied.  I can see all of that misguided PSU pride bubbling up into an ugly cauldron of blind denial as they burn the Sandusky victims in effigy on social media sites or on the radio and television airwaves down there in Happy Valley.  Think I'm painting with a broad brush?  Let me say this.  Former PSU player turned radio host LaVarr Arrington expressed disgust at what Sandusky had "allegedly" done, he screamed for his beloved alma matar to be scrubbed free of the shame.  Fast forward a few weeks.  When Bill O'Brien was hired as the new PSU field boss, guess who screamed about a non Paternoite being chosen to lead the university going forward?  You guessed it, La Varr Arrington.  This is the mindset down in Happy Valley and it's both maddening and perhaps dangerous in many respects.  If you ask a member of PSU nation to read the Grand Jury report, that person will most likely recite Jo Pa's coaching record verbatim.  Look, I know that people want their fifteen minutes.  I know that people will sometimes lie to get those fifteen minutes.  I just wish Mister Tomaselli had picked a better time to come clean as a liar.  Let me amend that.  I wish he had kept his mouth shut if he all wanted was some camera time.  Sanduskys' accusers are already fighting an uphill battle trying to get justice in the state of Pennsylvania Mister Tomaselli and you just made their fight all the more harder.  I bet you anything that Sanduskys' lawyers saw the news item that I saw tonight.  I bet you anything that they're already thinking of ways to use Tomasellis' duplicity as a means of discrediting every allegation that's been documented in those grand jury briefs.  You want to be an opportunist Mister Tomaselli, fine.  Next time though, pick your spots.  Better yet, you should've stayed silent until the Sandusky victims had their chance to be heard.

1 comment:

Jack said...

Danial ~ You say it it like it is