Sunday, December 25, 2011

  I wonder if any other sports town is as meatball heavy as Chicago is.  I wonder if the meatballs
ascended on Red Sox nation when the beloved Carmines started winning championships and
the old rat trap on Yawkey Way became a virtual cash cow.  What is it about success
that brings out the sports stupid and the seen to be seen bandwagon jumpers?  I must
confess, even the resurrection of the beloved Blackhawk is bittersweet.  See a meatball
standing up during a tight game in the third period to get their umpteenth alcoholic beverage
of the night.  See a meatball screaming at Duncan Keith to shoot the puck when the
defense doesn't provide a clear line in which to shoot said puck during a power play.
Is this what success brings?  Does it curse every fan base with the sports stupid and the
sports oblivious?  But what about the Cub?  They haven't won anything in a century and
a half and their fan base is practically the starting point of both the sports meatball and
the oblivious celebrity and non celebrity meatball.  So what happens if Theo Epstein wins
the baseball grail and ends the curse?  I know ticket prices will go up and the
culture of pure baseball fans will be swallowed up by the very commercialism
and high browness that is a staple of both Bulls and Hawks game at the
United Center now.  So what does an ordinary fan do if he or she simply
wants to watch a game without some corporate Johnny Come Lately
clapping for a meaningless dinger or yelling Let's Go Hawks when the Hawks
are in complete control of a game.  Do we sports purists try to accept
the meatballs for what they are?  What happens when our Cubs become
a consistent winner and we are outnumbered by them in some Custer
like scenario?  My god, they're even out in Rosemont at the Wolves games.
Some guy was yelling for Darren Haydar to shoot the puck.  They're
everywhere folks.  They're like a plague that's lurking about.  I wonder
if this is a regional problem or just akin to Chicago?  Will the basketball
meatballs show up and take over Staples if the Clipper become good?
Will Mark Jackson unknowingly release the corporate
meatball army if he turns around the Golden State Warrior.?  Are
there meatballs at MSG and has the take over began in Knickland?
Is Spike Lee safe?  Is Jack Nicholson safe?

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