Saturday, May 21, 2011

Johnny Doesn't Want To Be A Pirate Anymore....

  As I scower the job search engines and attempt to gain meaningful employment yet
again, Johnny Depp is whining about having to play make believe for months on end.
Before you chide me for not knowing what Depp and other actors go through to make the
films that wind up in multiplexes across the nation......... cool your jets.  I know what a
grind it can be to do take after take and shoot scenes long into the night.  Some roles are
physically grueling and some shooting schedules are a compacted endurance test.
Still,  Johnny is not a fellow making minimum wage in a job that he hates.  His life
provides him with the opportunity to work at his own leisure.  Yet, here's Johnny......
whining about  how he's tired of playing Jack Sparrow in the rather lucrative
Pirates Of The Caribbean  franchise.  This is after he belittled his former POTC director,
Gore Verbinski, in the very same interview.  Mr Depp, people are out of work right now.
Businesses are going under and people are being downsized.  All across America,
people are  struggling to make mortgages payments and rent payments.  Johnny, I
respect as you an actor but if you didn't want to do POTC 4.... you should've
showed some integrity by walking away from a huge payday and a job that your
heart wasn't fully into.  If there's one thing that I hate, it's someone who has power
and doesn't use it.  You think your director is a boob, Johnny, then tell Disney
to replace him and shut up already.  You're tired of playing Jack Sparrow.
I get it.  So why the heck didn't you tell the mouse that you simply didn't want to
play Pirate anymore?  This would've been better than bellyaching like some spoiled
Hollywood Pollyanna after the fourth film was officially in the can.
People said that  Dave Chappelle was an idiot for walking away from his
Comedy Central show and a seventy million dollar payout.  That might be true,
but at least Chappelle had  enough integrity to simply walk away when he didn't
feel like he was up to the grind of writing and producing a weekly sketch show.

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