Saturday, April 30, 2011

What would Abe say?

  I don't understand the people of my state sometimes.  Especially when it comes
to the voting and or election process.  One year, congressman Bobby Rush,
during an attempt to unseat Mayor Daley, shouted to the heavens that the human
Malaprop was  essentially a crook and a walking billboard for both civic mismanagement
and political shenanigans.  In the end, Rush received roughly two percent of the vote.
Fast forward to this past political season.  Pat Quinn, taking the reigns from the
self deluded Rob Blagojevich, managed to run up even more debt and alienate even more
of his fellow constituents.  So what happened when D Day came around and the voters
of Illinois had a chance to throw Quinn out of office?  They re-elected him.
The Daley re-elections are less puzzling in light of the fact that a worthy successor
never emerged at any point.  So noted.  But folks, you re-elected a governor
who has the fiscal skills  of Bernie Madoff.

  Yes, Bill Brady was a radical.  Yes, his mathematics were a bit fuzzy in a lot of respects.
Still, the guy had a plan.  Then there was Pat Quinn, stumbling about like the political
equivalent of Jacque Closeau.  Like Closeau, Quinn's ineptitude spawned accidental
triumph.  To the people of Illinois, I say this.  I didn't vote for Quinn, so I can complain all
that I want to.  I didn't vote for a man I didn't trust.  But you, the good people of Illinois,
you gave the keys to your state back to an elected official who has declared war on the
business community.  You had a chance to start over and you handed the keys back
to an elected official who rewarded your misguided  faith by taxing you to death.
Imagine it, good people of  Illinois, if you were Billy Hayes in Midnight  Express and
you chose to stay in a Turkish prison rather than escaping.  Well that's what you did when
you gave the keys to the state back to Pat Quinn.  You good people chose to suffer
rather than escape.  Yah yah, Bill Brady was anti gay and anti abortion and anti people
and anti everything.  The guy scared me too but what choice was there?
But what did you do, good people of Illinois?  You handed the  state back to Moe, Larry,
and Shemp; sorry Curly, Shemp has become my favorite stooge as I've aged.
I know that voting Republican is akin to betraying the force but you can do it my fellow
Illinoisans.  Now if you'll  excuse I have to go apply for a job at Jimmy Johns
before they leave for Indiana.

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